I'm not one to get on all the hype or... anti-hype, but I've gon eback and watched all your TooF episodes. they just aren't that funny, honestly. Fart jokes and bleeped swears. That about sums it up.
I do feel that all the bad press you've been getting is way over the top. It's not that big of a deal if you have a certain way to animate. Hell, tweening cuts way down on time and time is of the essence. I know I put tons more hours into each one of my Flashes and I have no reason to be pissed at you, that makes no sense. I wish I could go a LOT faster.
I do wish you would spice things up a bit, though. Less bleeps (they seriously get annoying after a little while), more detail in the teeth and mouth, maybe even a few more voices. The VA Forums have great voice actors. Get some female voices over there to switch some things up.
I like the commentary option, but it went on a bit long. The answering back to fans was cool, but also a bit long.
Good luck to you. I hope you can find a new niche for these teeth and what they do. A trip to the dentist, brushing, eating... Something. Think of all the things our mouth does and try to encorporate one here and there.