Cool Story and Animation
Well, you have an interesting story and I enjoyed it quite a bit. The graphics were very original and you had a lot of detail in both characters and things in the background. Adding little ideas like the water bird in the library was extremely unique and brought life to the story.
That effect you made with the sun while climbing was actually somewhat stunning. It was a great way to introduce the main story and title credits.
Your camera work was pretty good, but it had moments where it seemed to skip or jump a little bit, but that's most likely Flash limitations rather than any shortcoming on your part. Although if you don't use an internal camera it would benefit you (although it seems you do).
I guess my only real criticisms would come with the occasional odd lull between lines. At times I felt the conversations should move quicker. Also your leg animations were odd as it was pretty obvious it was all tweens, but as an artist I totally understand time constraints and tweeing plain and simple saves time so you can make a story.
Also, using shadows with characters (even simple ones) can add depth. As it is, it kinda' looks like they're floating at times and when he knocked on the tree I seriously didn't know why his hand was up until I watched it the second time.
Congratulations on your Daily Feature! You also placed quite well in the weekly awards (10th place) which is quite good for your first Daily Feature. Keep up this series and it wouldn't surprise me if you nailed down a weekly award at some point.