Dude, where's my Flash?

Jason Lowe @RSQViper

Age 47, Male

Electrical Engineer

No More School!!! Ever!!!

Boston, MA

Joined on 9/17/05

Exp Points:
9,068 / 9,340
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
7.06 votes
Master Sergeant
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:

RSQViper's News

Posted by RSQViper - November 25th, 2007

Well, first I'd just like to thank everyone for the support on making You Love This Movie both Daily 1st and Underdog of the Week ( a rare pair).

Anyway, from that 9 month project we were lucky enough to get some great constructive criticism and I've focused on fixing up my character design a bit. Make it a bit more detailed and work on human form, so I've been doodling some sketches and I've attached a pic of a few of them.

Most of the characters are ones I'm working on for a far-future project so it's good practice.

I've also stared a little work on my next released "Spaced Out, The Search for Tom Cruise Part 2" (aka Spaced Out -SFTC - pt 2). That has already overgone a pretty major graphical overhaul which you can see in this and this news post.

I have all VA work done on that and have started placing audio in the first scene.

Also, I can't seem to make this FP news? WTF?


Thanks & Sketches

Posted by RSQViper - November 15th, 2007

The movie both I and boinky33 have been working on for the last 9 months is finally out!

It's basically like birthing a child after that long, so becareful when you watch it. The movie might be slimy.

You Love This Movie!

Posted by RSQViper - November 5th, 2007

HAHA! Well, my newest mostrosity of a creation barely missed a REAL portal award and instead was in 6th place.

Aw, well. haha. I didn't expect it to do nearly this well anyway, but WAY TO RUB IT IN MY FACE, TOM!

EDIT: Well, shut my mouth! It got front page!


Still, shit! 6th place!


Daily 6th!  SHIT!

Posted by RSQViper - October 13th, 2007

Hey, folks. Been a while since an update on "You Love This Movie," but that's not a bad thing! Lots of work has been put in and boinky33 has even finished ALL his parts.

For being so patient I've put together a little preview of a fight scene. There are no SFX or BGM in it since it isn't placed in-movie yet, but this'll give you an idea of what the action will bring in the movie. A 49 second clip!

You can check it out here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGlpFv9 clzc

The movie itself will also include comedy bits and an actual PLOT! OMG!!!

You can see more at the ALPHA here: http://www.newgrounds.com/ngmag/alphas /alpha/2211

Sneak Peak Preview!

Posted by RSQViper - September 21st, 2007

Ok, Newgrounds, I think we are all just about tired of the shape the portal has been in lately.

Without naming names I'm talking about SPAM. The stuff that has the same intros by the same people and groups with some pointless loop following that intro.

Why is this stuff getting thru the portal? It doesn't belong on Newgrounds, it isn't in any way actually enjoyable, so why are people voting it to pass? For the protection points?

Here's an idea. Start voting how you feel. Vote zero on poor entries regardless of who makes the Flash. If people actually start doing this then these entries will get their proper due and be blammed and you will still get the B/P point.

Fair voting is what the portal was designed for and people are taking advantage of the portal right now for their own entertainment. Uploading to Newgrounds is a privilege and this is a place to showcase your work. Let's showcase the RIGHT stuff.

Let's all start doing the right thing and make the portal and everything after the UJ Flash higher quality. It'll make NG a better place and help Tom in his quest for better advertising and fewer ads in less places. We owe it to him to treat the portal correctly by only allowing the correct quality Flash thru and blamming everything else.

If you are interested in making a difference, but feel alone there are a few groups to take into consideration.

- If you have 2,500 B/P points or more you can apply to the Elite Guard Barracks. There you will find high-ranked B/Pers that share the above sentiment and uphold voting fairly on ALL Flash.

- If you have less B/P points you may already qualify to join the NG Police Headquarters.

- And anyone can join the Newgounds Department of Defense (NGDoD), so go check them out, regardless.

Hopefully an Admin will make some sort of statement and help out with the SPAM in the portal soon, but before they do or even if they don't, there's no reason the NG users can't start doing things right.

So, for a better Newgrounds, Vote and Vote Fair!

The Portal & You

Posted by RSQViper - September 6th, 2007

First I'd like to say... "THANKS, TOM!" Thank you for adding my entry to the bytesize collection!

For those of you who may have wandered over here to my little piece of NG because of it, I'll point you to my better Flash so you don't have to dig or find anything... "unfortunate" ***cough* Clock Day Movies *cough***.

Fat, Dumb n' Happy was my first Flash and many people enjoyed it. It was a Thanksgiving theme with a dumb turkey and a bird who only tried to help.

Bad Flash Kills is probably my most liked movie and many have said it's my best. I would probably agree. It pokes fun at bad Flash using knights in a medieval theme. Kinda. (LOOK FOR THE EASTER EGG! YOU WON'T BE SORRY!)

Wrath, Sloth, Gluttony was from last Halloween. It's a poem I wrote about a lonely guy on Halloween. Probably my most creative Flash.

Spaced Out - The Search for Tom Cruise - Part 1 is actually from some collabs I did and I put them together to make a movie. I am making a Part 2 and 3 of this short series. It's about 2 aliens that are basically total idiots trying to find T.C. to anal probe him. Hopefully it's good enough when the 2 part series isdone that Tom Fulp gets sued by Tom Cruise and his lawyers. (sorry Tom!)

You Love This Movie: Trailer is, well, a trailer for a movie I am collabing with boinky33 and honestly, it's going to be the funniest thing we've ever done. It parodies NG a bit and focuses on NG icons and the Fulps.

BBQish Ackbar was maybe the most fun to make. It was a style I don't use, but the idea was too funny not to turn into a Flash. It is poking fun at how bbqbeefburgerman hates meatwadsprite (Ackbar creator) because he uses his ideas.
Now, a little update. "You Love This Movie" is still coming strong! Boinky got a ton done and as soon as I get some serious free time, so will I. I animate little by little right now so my parts are coming slowly, but they ARE coming, thank GOD!

Spaced Out 2 is completely written and voice acted. The graphical overhaul of the ship (DEEDEE) and Mlog and Smeg are complete! I also got back DEEDEE's lines from my VA Francine Louise who so far seems like a total pleasure to work with.

There is also something on the horizon. Something I can't believe I'm doing. Shorts. 30 of 'em in one month. I've got nearly 20 written out already and I am going to animate them all, then starting on the 1st of a month I will release 1 per day. Yikes. Obviously these will be release AFTER Spaced Out Pt 2 and YLTM, but it's something I've been seriously considering and with these funny and neat little shorts I've been coming up with, I think I've GOT to do it.

Again, thanks for coming by! I hope you enjoy my stuff. Remember this: I respond to ALL REVIEWS AND COMMENTS, so review and comment away!

Posted by RSQViper - August 28th, 2007

UPDATE TIME! All kinds of stuff, so get ready.

First, I apologize for my entry entitled "Clock Day '07 Tattoos." Because of the way Clock Day was going and all the alt accounts spamming the portal and the absolute crap getting protected (I mean, I believe in being lenient that day, but don't 5 EVERYTHING!) I made a Flash that had no business being on NG out of anger. Now it's in the Clock Day 07 Collection... and I can't delete the P.O.S.

Second, I got an voice actress for the space ship in "Spaced Out 2". I just sent her the lines yesterday so I would imagine I would have them in the next few days. She'll also be available for future projects so it's good to have a returning actress. At some point DEEDEE will be a good sized part.

On that note, "Spaced Out 2" is still a ways off because "You Love This Movie" is slotted for release before SO2.

"You Love This Movie" is coming along at an excellent pace. I'd say it's 80% done at least. Most of the action scenes have to be done, but almost ALL of the rest of the movie is complete. Boinky33 actually just sent me scenes 11 and 13. 14 is the final one and 12 is done already, so that'll give you an idea of where we are in it. The action scenes are numerous and we have, I think, 6 done out of about 15 or so. One is almost done on my end (the clocks).

I also made a BYTESIZED entry and sent it to Tom, so I am waiting on a reply from him to see if he accepts it. It's a 30 second short basically parodying those dumb Snickers commercials where someone asks "would you like me to help you ENJOY that candy bar?"

EDIT: Tom has accepted the BYTESIZE! I am sending him the file now! WOOT! I M <3'ed!!

A pic from my BYTESIZE below.


Posted by RSQViper - August 11th, 2007

Ok, so I've been getting some animation done on Spaced Out 2 the last week or so and so far, so good. I am looking for a female voice, though as the voice of DEE DEE, the ship. So, if you're interested, please drop me a line.

The graphical overhaul is still going on in it as well and I am getting pretty excited about it. Mlog and Smeg look like the same characters, but definitely have more detail and better shading.

I'm also wondering how many more hits and comments this gets due to the boobs being on the frontpage, so if you're here because of that... stop masturbating.

Anyway, "You Love This Movie" is still in production as well, but it's taking somewhat of a backseat since boinky and I haven't been on comms much lately. Mostly because of our schedules and this movie demands us being on the same page, but "Spaced Out: Search for Tom Cruise Pt 2" is still moving forward.

The Space Ship, DEE DEE, got overhauled and looks better, but mostly it's more functional. I can now have it land more smoothly and turn if I want it to.

Check out the first one if you haven't already! You'll see the difference!

I'm also using no movieclips so it will be smoother sounds and animation. The whole thing is using a cam, so pausing will be an option.

Below is a picture of the new Mlog and Smeg in their overhauled cockpit.

HOLY Spaced Out Update!

Posted by RSQViper - July 27th, 2007

Hey, folks. For those of you still aching to see "You Love This Movie", don't fret! It's on the way. boinky33 and I are still working on action scenes in it and so far, they are looking pretty good.

For those of you reading this and not knowing what this movie is, it's about two unknown Flash artists who are HORRIBLE at Flash trying to make a name for themselves. Well, their Flash sucks, so they go on a rampage, kidnap a well-known Flash artist and hold him hostage until while making demands to Tom and Wade.

Will they succeed? Wait and find out!

Check Out The Trailer

Check Out The Alpha

below is a pic of some folks that will be in the rampage. You may recognize a few, yes?

You Love This Update!  #1

Posted by RSQViper - July 18th, 2007

Hey, everybody. How awesome of NG to provide us with this great space here.

Ok, so here's the deal on upcoming projects. I have two big ones in the works.

First, we have You Love This Movie which will be out by end of summer. It's a two-man collab I'm doing with boinky33. So far we both feel we've accomplished more than we ever have in any of our previous Flashes. Both graphically and length (it'll be around 7-8 minutes long).

It's about two Flash artists, rsqviper and boinky33, and they are horrid at Flash. So, they basically go on a rampage and hold a well-known Flash artist hostage while negotiating with Tom and Wade with demands for front page.

The name may change, however as that is still in the air. So for now, the working title is You Love This Movie.

You can see the trailer for it at YLTM: The Trailer or even check out and read more about it at the Alpha!

Second, I am working on Spaced Out: The Search For Tom Cruise Part 2. In this one, Mlog and Smeg from the first Spaced Out continue on their quest to give Tom Cruise a well-deserved anal probing.

This Flash is completely written and voice acted. It's just waiting for the above movie to be completed before I get into it head-on. It' already had quite a graphical overhaul, though as the picture below will show. Compared to the first Spaced Out, this is a HUGE difference.

photo is of the cockpits. Top is original, bottom is new design overhaul. Hehe. I said "cock"

Upcoming Projects