UPDATE TIME! All kinds of stuff, so get ready.
First, I apologize for my entry entitled "Clock Day '07 Tattoos." Because of the way Clock Day was going and all the alt accounts spamming the portal and the absolute crap getting protected (I mean, I believe in being lenient that day, but don't 5 EVERYTHING!) I made a Flash that had no business being on NG out of anger. Now it's in the Clock Day 07 Collection... and I can't delete the P.O.S.
Second, I got an voice actress for the space ship in "Spaced Out 2". I just sent her the lines yesterday so I would imagine I would have them in the next few days. She'll also be available for future projects so it's good to have a returning actress. At some point DEEDEE will be a good sized part.
On that note, "Spaced Out 2" is still a ways off because "You Love This Movie" is slotted for release before SO2.
"You Love This Movie" is coming along at an excellent pace. I'd say it's 80% done at least. Most of the action scenes have to be done, but almost ALL of the rest of the movie is complete. Boinky33 actually just sent me scenes 11 and 13. 14 is the final one and 12 is done already, so that'll give you an idea of where we are in it. The action scenes are numerous and we have, I think, 6 done out of about 15 or so. One is almost done on my end (the clocks).
I also made a BYTESIZED entry and sent it to Tom, so I am waiting on a reply from him to see if he accepts it. It's a 30 second short basically parodying those dumb Snickers commercials where someone asks "would you like me to help you ENJOY that candy bar?"
EDIT: Tom has accepted the BYTESIZE! I am sending him the file now! WOOT! I M <3'ed!!
A pic from my BYTESIZE below.
Looks like a funny little BYTESIZE short. I hope it makes it onto there because a few on there aren't that good and this one looks funny. Oh and good luck with the flash. I lok forward to watching it when it's done.
Well, looks like Tom has accepted it, so I would imagine it's just a matter of time before it's in there, but I don't really know how he works it.
Thanks for the well-wishes on the Flash.