Hey, folks. For those of you still aching to see "You Love This Movie", don't fret! It's on the way. boinky33 and I are still working on action scenes in it and so far, they are looking pretty good.
For those of you reading this and not knowing what this movie is, it's about two unknown Flash artists who are HORRIBLE at Flash trying to make a name for themselves. Well, their Flash sucks, so they go on a rampage, kidnap a well-known Flash artist and hold him hostage until while making demands to Tom and Wade.
Will they succeed? Wait and find out!
below is a pic of some folks that will be in the rampage. You may recognize a few, yes?
It's surprising how no one has left a comment. Who can't get excited by seeing all of these well-known clocks in one scene? :P Keep up the great work. With this much effort, you guys might even win a portal award or two. :)
HA! No kidding. I get no love with comments, I swear. I have a total of 5 in 3 news posts and one is me posting in my own.
I suck. LOL.
Glad you're looking forward to this Flash. It's taking forever to make the damn thing.