Dude, where's my Flash?

Jason Lowe @RSQViper

Age 47, Male

Electrical Engineer

No More School!!! Ever!!!

Boston, MA

Joined on 9/17/05

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9,068 / 9,340
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Upcoming Projects

Posted by RSQViper - July 18th, 2007

Hey, everybody. How awesome of NG to provide us with this great space here.

Ok, so here's the deal on upcoming projects. I have two big ones in the works.

First, we have You Love This Movie which will be out by end of summer. It's a two-man collab I'm doing with boinky33. So far we both feel we've accomplished more than we ever have in any of our previous Flashes. Both graphically and length (it'll be around 7-8 minutes long).

It's about two Flash artists, rsqviper and boinky33, and they are horrid at Flash. So, they basically go on a rampage and hold a well-known Flash artist hostage while negotiating with Tom and Wade with demands for front page.

The name may change, however as that is still in the air. So for now, the working title is You Love This Movie.

You can see the trailer for it at YLTM: The Trailer or even check out and read more about it at the Alpha!

Second, I am working on Spaced Out: The Search For Tom Cruise Part 2. In this one, Mlog and Smeg from the first Spaced Out continue on their quest to give Tom Cruise a well-deserved anal probing.

This Flash is completely written and voice acted. It's just waiting for the above movie to be completed before I get into it head-on. It' already had quite a graphical overhaul, though as the picture below will show. Compared to the first Spaced Out, this is a HUGE difference.

photo is of the cockpits. Top is original, bottom is new design overhaul. Hehe. I said "cock"

Upcoming Projects


Wow, your upcoming flash update is sure exciting! I'll have to keep an eye for these upcoming projects in the Portal! Good luck!

Thanks for the support! Been working a lot on them and there's a lot holding us back since there's so much we've never done (like real action scenes), but we are learning and not doing a shitty job. We want to do it right.

As always, I'll drop a line in the portal when I release them. Oh, and I'll use this handy little NEWS Feature as well.... how awesome this is!

nice viper.

Thanks for checking it out!

you remember me?

UH OH... I'm not good with names.

am the gy that you helped with AS and i review your movie .look

<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/reviews/327738/3">http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/revi ews/327738/3</a>

Ah, excellent. Glad I could help and that you found your way to my page. =)